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The Long Dark Backup Save

Many applications have regulatory, compliance, or other business purposes that require you to retain database backups beyond the 7-35 days provided by Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance automatic backups. By using the long-term retention (LTR) feature, you can store specified SQL Database and SQL Managed Instance full backups in Azure Blob storage with configured redundancy for up to 10 years. LTR backups can then be restored as a new database.

the long dark backup save

Long-term backup retention (LTR) leverages the full database backups that are automatically created to enable point in time restore (PITR). If an LTR policy is configured, these backups are copied to different blobs for long-term storage. The copy is a background job that has no performance impact on the database workload. The LTR policy for each database in SQL Database can also specify how frequently the LTR backups are created.

To enable LTR, you can define a policy using a combination of four parameters: weekly backup retention (W), monthly backup retention (M), yearly backup retention (Y), and week of year (WeekOfYear). If you specify W, one backup every week will be copied to the long-term storage. If you specify M, the first backup of each month will be copied to the long-term storage. If you specify Y, one backup during the week specified by WeekOfYear will be copied to the long-term storage. If the specified WeekOfYear is in the past when the policy is configured, the first LTR backup will be created in the following year. Each backup will be kept in the long-term storage according to the policy parameters that are configured when the LTR backup is created.

You can configure long-term backup retention using the Azure portal and PowerShell for Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance. To restore a database from the LTR storage, you can select a specific backup based on its timestamp. The database can be restored to any existing server or managed instance under the same subscription as the original database.

To learn how to configure long-term retention or restore a database from backup for SQL Managed Instance using the Azure portal or PowerShell, see Manage Azure SQL Managed Instance long-term backup retention.

[Update Sept. 25: Nintendo has now confirmed to IGN that it will retain players' cloud saves for six months after they cancel their subscription. "Nintendo will allow users who resubscribe within 180 days to access their previous Save Data Cloud backups," the statement reads, in part.

Nintendo Switch game save data stored in the cloud is only available "as long as you have an active Nintendo Switch Online membership." If you eventually cancel the $20/year subscription, Nintendo is "unable to guarantee that cloud save data will be retained after an extended period of time from when your membership is ended."

"While we have nothing additional to announce on this topic [of local save backups], please be assured that we listen carefully to the feedback from our customers.," the company writes. "We are constantly working on ways to further enhance the experience of using the system."

Once you know where all your save files are, just copy those folders to your backup drive for safe keeping. Ideally, you should use a backup tool that does this regularly and automatically, whether it's Windows' built-in File History or Time Machine for macOS. You may also prefer to use a dedicated cloud backup service.

Cloud saves for Nintendo Switch games were a long overdue addition but the launch of Nintendo Switch Online finally enabled you to back up your save data online. For a portable system that can be easily dropped, stolen or left on the bus, it was arguably an essential feature that should have been there from the very beginning, but better late than never, huh?

I own both LG Eevee and LG Pikachu, but somehow only LG Pikachu offers cloud backup for me, Eevee doesn't. I haven't checked whether it actually works because I feel like this must be some sort of mistake and don't want to take any chances, but the option is there (says save isn't backed up yet and when I click that it shows the usual upload/download cloud backup save screen). Which makes it all the more quirky that Eevee cloud backup works for ShinyUmbreon since it doesn't for me (as should be the case). Can't say I'm doing anything questionable/use anything unauthorised with my consoles or accounts either so no idea what's up with all this.

The Long Dark is a first-person, environmental survival game that puts players in the shoes of a wanderer trying to make it through one long, dark winter with nothing more than a flashlight and wits. Hinterland Studio developed it and is available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, macOS, Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Macintosh operating systems.

First, you will need to download the save game file and extract it with the help of WinZip. After that, you have to copy the save file to a save games location and make sure to have a backup of your save.

If you are an iPhone user, you probably enjoy both the look and productivity of your device, which is equally good for business and pleasure. We know you want to use your iPhone as long as possible and you must be wondering how to save battery on iPhone.

If you are familiar with breaking passwords, you already know that different tools and file formats require a very different amount of efforts to break. Breaking a password protecting a RAR archive can take ten times as long as breaking a password to a ZIP archive with the same content, while breaking a Word document saved in Office 2016 can take ten times as long as breaking an Office 2010 document. With solutions for over 300 file formats and encryption algorithms, we still find iTunes backups amazing, and their passwords to be very different from the rest of the crop in some interesting ways. In this article we tried to gather everything we know about iTunes backup passwords to help you break (or reset) their passwords in the most efficient way.

Without running AC or electric heat, a 10 kWh battery alone can power the basic operations of a house for at least 24 hours, and longer with careful budgeting. When paired with solar, battery storage can power more electrical systems and provide backup electricity for even longer.

Backups are ideal for long-term data storage and compliance-related requirements. Because backups are typically stored for a long time, you can archive data and create a historic for audit purposes. Many industries require maintaining reliable long-term records, and it can be achieved easily using data backup. With this solution, you could typically use it to store data for everything in your enterprise, from desktops to production servers.

Since backups rely on your connection speed, backups and restorations can take a long time to perform. The process is carried infrequently because it is very resource-taxing for the server. This type of technology can affect the performance of other systems that use the same resources.

During asynchronous replication, your data is saved to your primary storage first with a slight delay before it copies over your backup data. This form of replication also uses snapshots, which are point and time saves of your data in case you need to restore your company data to a very specific time before a disaster or system malfunction.

While backup is typically used for everything in the enterprise and saves data for a long time, replication is focused on mission-critical applications that must run 247. You might not have the same detailed records and history you would typically have with a backup system.

Another con is that malicious software can spread to replicated data; therefore, replication systems can be less secure than backup ones. Some companies combine both solutions in order to revert to a state free of malicious software. To maintain long-term consistency, you are more likely to use both backup and replication for high availability.

Autosave is enabled by default on Illustrator. If you can't find your unsaved file in the data recovery folder, ensure that you enable autosave from Illustrator Preferences for future backup and recovery.

In the time interval drop-down next to this check box, select an appropriate time interval after which Illustrator should save a backup of your work. The backup files will not overwrite the original one.

During winter, the lower the interior temperature, the slower the heat loss. So the longer your house remains at the lower temperature, the more energy you save, because your house has lost less energy than it would have at the higher temperature. The same concept applies to raising your thermostat setting in the summer -- a higher interior temperature will slow the flow of heat into your house, saving energy on air conditioning. Check out our home heating infographic to learn more about how heating systems and thermostats interact.

Programmable thermostats are generally not recommended for heat pumps. In its cooling mode, a heat pump operates like an air conditioner, so turning up the thermostat (either manually or with a programmable thermostat) will save energy and money. But when a heat pump is in its heating mode, setting back its thermostat can cause the unit to operate inefficiently, thereby canceling out any savings achieved by lowering the temperature setting. Maintaining a moderate setting is the most cost-effective practice. Recently, however, some companies have begun selling specially designed programmable thermostats for heat pumps, which make setting back the thermostat cost-effective. These thermostats typically use special algorithms to minimize the use of backup electric resistance heat systems.

Not all Sega Saturn games are able to save data, and of those which can, some do not recognise the Backup Memory when running. All save data is treated equally on the Saturn, meaning as long as there is space, there are never any limits from moving save data from the console's internal memory to a cartridge (and vice versa), but some games do not support saving directly to cartridge. The following lists games which do: 2ff7e9595c

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